I've been drawing comics professionally for over 5 years, and I run everything myself, from the social media, to the writing, drawing, inking, coloring, and uploading. It's a lot of work, but it's great to know there's such a strange fan base of people who enjoy what I do.
After mulling around "DrawnOut", and my strip based comic "Scribbles" I took an old role-play story myself and H-Hawkenstein wrote together, and converted it into a comic strip, and "The Costume Shop" was born. After finishing the entire comic in a year, fans loved it and wanted to see more. I produced the first Volume book using Kickstarter and Blurb, and it went very well.
Since then, I have been working primarily on "The Costume Shop" and it's ongoing story, "Funhouse Of Frights" a NSFW spin-off, and "Kid Quicksand" a sexy superhero spoof. I have done panel talks and tabled at various conventions around Ontario including "ConBravo", "Anime North", "Ochiba-Con", and "Furnal Equinox".
Past Appearances:
- TAAFI - Toronto Animation Arts Festival International 2014
- Anime North 2015
- ConBravo 2016
- Word On The Street 2017
- Word On The Street 2019
- TCAF - Toronto Comic Arts Festival 2018
- Furnal Equinox 2019